
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2023

Bandung Plans to Convert 'Angkot' into Microbuses

The government of Bandung plans to convert angkot, or public minivan, into microbuses for public transportation. The plan is included in the Bandung Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) as part of infrastructure repair and development. The mayor of Bandung, Yana Mulyana said in a statement, Wednesday, January 25, 2023, "public transportation is moving forward to make people feel comfortable and safe."   The conversion plan will begin in 2024. The microbuses will become part of the Bandung Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) infrastructure.    The head of the Bandung Transportation Service, Dadang Daemawan, stated that the conversion was to optimize microbus transportation. The estimation is that a microbus can accommodate 20 passengers. While the current angkot can only carry 10 passengers. From both of this public transportation, around 20 passengers can be accommodated into one microbus," he said in his statement, Wednesday, January 25, 2023.    Dadang further st...

Lisa Marie Presley rests at Graceland with her son Benjamin Keough

 Lisa Marie Presley will rest alongside her son, Benjamin Keough, ET can confirm. Presley will be buried next to her son in Graceland's Meditation Garden. In addition to Lisa Marie and Ben, Lisa Marie's father Elvis Presley and her parents Vernon and Gladys are also buried in the garden.    ET also learned that Ben's grave was moved slightly to make room for Lisa Marie. News of Lisa Marie's final resting place comes ahead of her public memorial service on Sunday. Following her death, the family confirmed that a public memorial service will be held at Graceland in honor of the late singer. The service will be broadcast live via Graceland's live streaming page.   In a statement shared Monday, Lisa Marie's rep told ET that a public funeral service was being held on Graceland's front lawn at 9:00 a.m. Sunday, at the Presley family estate in Memphis, Tennessee. After the service, there will be a procession to see Lisa Marie's last rest place in the meditation...

Jokowi meminta daerah untuk menyimpan uang dalam dana kekayaan negara

 Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) meminta pemerintah daerah menyisihkan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD) untuk disimpan di dana abadi pemerintah. Pemerintah pusat telah membentuk Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF) yang disebut Otoritas Investasi Indonesia (INA). “Daerah yang memiliki PAD (pendapatan asli daerah) yang besar, sisihkan dan simpan di dana abadi. Bergabunglah dengan Otoritas Penanaman Modal Indonesia,” kata Presiden dalam sambutannya pada pembukaan Rakornas Forkopimda dan Kepala Daerah di SICC, Sentul pada Selasa, 17 Januari 2023. Dia menegaskan, dana abadi bisa digunakan untuk mengamankan APBD dari kelebihan anggaran yang tidak terpakai (Silpa).   “Jangan sampai jadi Silpa. Itu sebabnya sekarang pemerintah memberi ruang untuk mengatur, membangun, membuat apa yang disebut dana abadi”, kata presiden negara itu.   Mantan gubernur Jakarta itu melanjutkan, hal itu sudah diatur dalam undang-undang. "Sudah ada undang-undang dan peraturan pemerintah tentang keuang...

Twitter Said to Consider Selling User Names to Boost Revenue

 Twitter has considered selling user names to generate new revenue as its owner, Elon Musk, tries to resuscitate the company’s business, two people with knowledge of the plan said. Twitter employees have held conversations about selling some user names for the service since at least December, the people said. Engineers have discussed running online auctions where people can bid for the user names, which are the words, numbers or string of characters that follow the @ sign by which accounts are identified on the platform. Mr. Musk’s user name, for example, is @elonmusk. It’s unclear if the project will move forward and if the plan affects all user names or only a subset, the people said. But Mr. Musk said last month that he wanted to start eliminating inactive accounts on Twitter and free up 1.5 billion user names. Only certain user names — such as those of well-known people, brands and popular names — may have value. The social media company has been in turmoil since Mr. Musk bough...

Samsung Galaxy A34 and A54 leak in official renders ahead of launch

 While much of the attention thrown on Samsung in the past couple of months revolves around the upcoming Galaxy S23 flagships, Evan Blass shared official-looking renders of two unreleased Samsung Galaxy A-series phones. Based on a few hints, these should be the Galaxy A34 and Galaxy A54 - two of Samsung’s key phones heading into 2023 which should launch on January 18 in India. Both phones were featured in previous leaks so we have a solid idea on what to expect. Galaxy A34 should bring nearly identical specs to its predecessor with a 6.5-inch FHD+ AMOLED display with 90Hz refresh rate and an Exynos 1280 chipset. The battery is expected to come in at 5,000 mAh and will support 25W charging while the camera department will be headline by a 48MP main shooter. The phone will likely boot Android 13 with One UI 5 on top and is expected to retain the IP67 water resistance. Galaxy A54 is expected to bring a 6.6-inch FHD+ AMOLED with a 120Hz refresh rate and the yet-to-be-announced Exynos 1...

Lato-Lato, or Ball Clackers, Banned from Bandung City Schools

 The Bandung City education agency has issued a circular that restricts school students from bringing and playing with ball clackers or locally known as ‘lato-lato’, which has gained popularity among the Indonesian public. "In order to prevent unwanted situations, the education agency has issued circular banning students from bringing toys that are unrelated to the academic process in schools," said Bandung City Education Agency Hikmat Ginanjar on Tuesday, January 10, 2023.  The entire academic ecosystem and students' parents are encouraged to collectively monitor the popularity of conventional and digital games among children. Clackers acknowledged having positive values, however... The ‘lato-lato’ is acknowledged to have a positive value for training children's motoric sensors skills. However, students are urged to play ball clackers outside of the school environment because it has no direct connection with the process of learning activities. According to Bandung Ci...

Mengapa Berang-Berang Laut Berpegangan Tangan?

Hai, Ma! Kali ini aku mau menjawab pertanyaan Mama seputar Mengapa Berang-Berang Laut Berpegangan Tangan?  Sebenarnya aku baru tau sih kalo berang-berang laut itu suka pegangan tangan karena terdapat foto sepasang berang-berang yang tertangkap kamera lagi tidur. Menggemaskan banget kan ya? Hihi.  Tapi, Mengapa Berang-Berang Laut Berpegangan Tangan? Apa karena kedinginan ya? Nggak gitu, Ma. Berang-berang laut emang suka berenang di suhu air dingin tapi mereka nggak kedinginan karena punya bulu yang tebal dan tahan air. Bahkan, bulunya itu punya sejuta rambut per inci persegi. Wah, banyak banget kan? Nah, jawabannya adalah berang-berang laut berpegangan tangan untuk membentuk formasi seperti rakit, pas lagi makan, tidur, dan istirahat biar salah satu dari mereka nggak ada yang hilang. Apalagi, induk berang-berang laut suka memegang tangan anaknya agar nggak terbawa arus laut. Makanya itu, Ma berang-berang laut punya kebiasaan untuk menjaga satu sama lain dan mengawasi setiap ana...

TERUNGKAP Hubungan Luna Maya dan Gading Marten, Berani Ajak Mantan Ariel NOAH Nikah Dua Kali

 Gading Marten mantan suami Gisella Anastasia atau Gisel sambil beranda mengajak mantan kekasih Ariel NOAH, Luna Maya untuk menikah yang kedua kalinya. Dengan tersenyum, Luna Maya pun merespon cepat ajakan Gading Marten untuk menikah untuk kedua kalinya. Luna Maya meminta Gading Marten untuk mengatur rencana pernikahan kedua mereka Dialog tersebut bagian dari candaan Gading Marten dan Luna Maya saat keduanya diisukan telah menikah. Baca juga: Bukti Sikap Royal Syahrini Ditunjukan Melly Goeslaw, Dapat Kejutan Mewah dari Reino Barack Baca juga: Lihat Keberanian Baby Moana Menantang Alam Ganas, Ria Ricis: Bertualang Sejak di Kandungan Gading dan Luna Maya baru-baru ini diterpa rumor telah menikah. Gosip pernikahan keduanya pertama kali diunggah Luna Maya. Mantan kekasih Ariel Noah tersebut terlihat menyertakan sebuah artikel berita soal pernikahannya dan Gading Marten di sosial media Instagram. "Lol (emoji tertawa ngakak) apa ini?" tulisnya, dikutip dari Instagram Story @lunamay...

Bintang Arsenal diperkirakan akan pindah, AC Milan menginginkannya

 Pemain berusia 21 tahun itu telah tampil maksimal musim ini saat dipinjamkan ke klub Prancis Reims. Balogun telah mencetak sepuluh gol di Ligue 1, jumlah yang hanya bisa dikalahkan oleh superstar Paris Saint-Germain Kylian Mbappe (13) dan Neymar (11). Dia juga mulai berlari setelah jeda Piala Dunia juga, mencetak dua gol dalam pertemuan hari Kamis dengan Rennes untuk membantu klub memasuki paruh atas klasemen. Namun demikian, masa depan Balogun di Stade Auguste Delaune telah dipertanyakan dalam sebulan terakhir menyusul cedera yang diderita pemain internasional Brasil Gabriel Jesus di Piala Dunia. The Gunners saat ini hanya memiliki satu striker yang fit - Eddie Nketiah - yang tampil tanpa kehadiran pemain Brasil itu. Sementara Balogun akan segera berharap untuk peluang tim utama di Emirates, diperkirakan akan meninggalkan Arsenal sekali lagi setelah masa pinjamannya berakhir.   Balogun ke AC Milan? Publikasi Italia Calciomercato telah menghubungkan Balogun dengan kepindahan ...